Document Date: January 01, 1970Source: CIAViews: 3336
Honorable Gordon H. Scherer House of Representatives Washington 25, D.C. Dear Mr. Scherer: In your letter of 24 August you forwarded a copy of a letter from Mrs. Catherine Carter Golden of Cincinnati in which she discussed the subject of unidentified flying objects. Mrs. Golden seemed particularly interested in the pictures taken in Brazeil and shown on the Dave Garroway show. The photograph referred to by Mrs. Golden was taken by a free-lance photographer. Contrary to her information, this photograph was not developed in the presence of persons other than the photographer. Mrs. Golden has corresponded with the Department of State and the Air Force for some time on the general subject of unidentified flying objects. The Department of the Air Force has primary responsibility for investigating information pertaining to UFO's. Mrs. Golden recently contacted the State Department on the subject of the alleged Brazillian sighting and her query was referred to the Department of the Air Force whose reply is attached. This Agency has no information other than what which has already been provided the Air Force on this subject. Sincerely, John S. Warner Legislative Counsel Enclosure Distribution: Orig & l - Addressee 1 - OSI 1 - Leg. Counsel - subject 1 - Leg. Counsel 0 chrono


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         "If I become President, I'll make every piece of information this country has about UFO sightings available to the public and scientists. I am convinced that UFOs exist because I have seen one."

    ( Jimmy Carter - Campaign Speech )

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