Document Date: August 26, 1987Source: NSAViews: 3294
THE NEWYORK TIMES, WEDNESDAY,AUGUST26, 1987 Report of U.F.O. Crash in '47 Called False by Science Panel WASHINGTON,Aug.25(Reuters)- Documents purported to be from the Truman White House that say the Pen- tagon recovered a crashed flying saucer and the bodies of four alien creatures in 1947 are "clumsy counterfeits", according to a report by a group of scientists. The report was released Monday by the group, the Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal. The report was prepared by Phillip J Klass, the Washington editor of Aviation Week & Space Technology Magazine and a leading debunker of reports on unidentified flying objects. The chairman of the committee, Paul Kurtz, a University of Buffalo philosophy professor, said the documents represented "one of the most deliberate acts of deception ever perpetrated against the news media and the public." The documents which said President Truman created a secret unit called Majestic 12, or MJ-12 to study the saucer and its contents, were made public in May by William L. moore, a researcher on U.F.Os. White House Report Mr. Moore told reporters then that his research team had found a key White House report in the National Archives dated July 14, 1954. It appeared to have been prepared for the Air Force by Robert Cutler, a White House aide, and mentioned a change in plans for an MJ-12 briefing for President Eisenhower. Mr. Klass said his research showed that the document was false. He said that Mr Cutler was not in Washington when the report was supposedly written, having left for Europe 11 days earlier. According to a National Archives memo released by Mr. Klass, the Archives is also suspicious because Mr. Moores does not bear the required top secret registration number and its marked "Top Secret Restricted Information" - a designation not used until the Nixon administration. Another document in which Truman suposedly ordered Defense Secretary James Forrestal to create MJ-12 is also a forgery, Mr. Klass said. The document did not follow the format Truman used in writting letters to his Cabinet secretaries and was created by superimposing a spurious message on a photograph of an authentic Truman letter, the editor concluded.


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