Transcribed To Text
By Paul of www.ufocrashsite.com


                                                  22 AUG 1966


SUBJECT: Air Force Request to Declassify CIA UFO Report

REFERENCE: 1. Memo to Ch/DSD Dated 20 July 1966
           2. Memo for Record dated 12 August 1966

       1. Mrs. Sara Hunt of the Air Force Office of Informa-
tion called the undersigned twice on 16 August and once on
18 August.

       2. The first time she asked if our response had got-
ten out and I told her it had. She requested the phone num-
ber of the office responsible for issuing the reply and I
gave her XXXXXXXXXXX number.

       3. The second time Mrs. Hunt called she wanted to
know the extent of the deletions, if any. I told her that,
at least; reference to CIA and names of CIA employees were
removed. and that I had heard that some additional sanitiz-
ing probably was done in tho processing of the reply.

       4. The (Fourth) third vall was to state that Air Force had
received our response, and to ask for the return of their
copy of the CIA report which had been forwarded to us with
the request for declassification.

                                   [DAVID B. STEVENSON]
   Orig & 1 - ACMC/DSD/OSI
          1 - DSD/OSI
          1 - EO/OSI

OSI/DSD/ACM[DBStevenson:sjm/7621] (23 Aug 66)

Sources --
---------- http://www.foia.cia.gov/docs/DOC_0000015430/0000015430_0001.gif